Photography (DK Eyewitness)

Book Details

Category: Art & Photography
Number of Pages: 74
Language: English
Publisher: DK Publishing Ltd
Grade Level: 3 - 7
Age Range: 8 - 12

About the Book

Explains how photography began and developed, how and why photography works, and how today's digital techniques and formats affect our lives.

Photography has come a long way since the unwieldy—and potentially dangerous—first cameras invented in the 1800s. In this guide, dazzling photographs and illustrations reveal the remarkable story of photography—and the secret to taking a great picture. Discover the art of underwater photography and photojournalism, see spy cameras used by real-life spies, witness how photography has transitioned into the digital world, and find out how much the most expensive photograph is worth!

Discover the evolving world of photography from pinhole cameras to the digital age.

About the Author
Alan Buckingham has been taking photographs for more than 40 years. He has worked with legends in the field such as John Hedgecoe, Michael Langford, and Heather Angel and was a pioneer in the early days of digital photography.


Alan Buckingham is a freelance writer, editor, gardener and photographer. He has over twenty years' experience in illustrated publishing, both as an editor and as an author, and has worked on countless information books, interactive CD-ROMs, and websites. In recent years he has written chiefly about gardening and photography, his two main interests. "The Kitchen Garden" and "Grow Fruit" are illustrated with many of his own pictures.

Alan is a long-time kitchen gardener. Every summer he proves himself incapable of heeding his own advice and consequently grows far more fruit and vegetables than he and his family could ever hope to eat. Should he ever be given the opportunity to have his time again, he would happily swap his career in publishing for one as a head gardener.