How It Works - World of Animals Annual, Volume 01-14


Book Details

Category: How It Works
Number of Pages: 180
Language: English
Country: United Kingdom
Publisher: Future Publishing Ltd
Age Range: 7 and Up
Frequency: One-off

About the Book

The animal kingdom is a fascinating, beautiful and complex world, but it faces an uncertain future. There are also in-depth features on animal behaviour, weird and wonderful pets, and the natural world’s true survivors, while we get up close and personal with some of the planet’s most remarkable creatures.

Discover some of the world’s most iconic animals and the unique habitats that they’ve evolved to thrive in, find out where and how you can see them, and learn about how you can help to conserve these magnificent creatures.
The World of Animals Annual celebrates the importance of planet Earth and the living things that inhabit it. We hope you enjoy!