A Monkey Baby - Grows Up


Book Details

Category: Animals & Pets
Number of Pages: 34
Language: English
Publisher: Carolrhoda Books
Grade Level: Preschool - 2
For Ages: 4 and Up

About the Book

Gabbie is a monkey baby. She is growing up in a zoo. She drinks her mother's milk and eats the vegetables, fruit, and nuts that the zookeeper feeds her. With her strong fingers and toes, Gabbie climbs onto her mother's back, into trees, and onto toys.

Describes the development of Gabbie, a monkey living in a zoo, from birth to age six months.

Editorial Reviews - From School Library Journal

PreSchool-K–Simple text and average-quality photos combine to introduce a charming newborn African monkey, a red-crowned mangabey. Following the primate throughout the Los Angeles Zoo's specially designed habitat, Hewett photographed Gabbie on stone-wall perches, clipped-grass patches, leafless boughs, and bamboo bridge frames. Meager information about her physical and social development is revealed as she progresses from a clinging, suckling baby to a bold, curious explorer accepting fruit treats from zookeepers. While the book ends with the animal's sixth month, a time line generalizes her life to her first birthday, completed by more information about monkeys and zoos.