Category: Animals & Pets
Number of Pages: 34
Language: English
Publisher: Carolrhoda Books
Grade Level: Preschool - 2
Language: English
Publisher: Carolrhoda Books
Grade Level: Preschool - 2
For Ages: 4 and Up
About the Book
Describes the development of Gabbie, a monkey living in a zoo, from birth to age six months.
Editorial Reviews - From School Library Journal
PreSchool-K–Simple text and average-quality photos combine to introduce a charming newborn African monkey, a red-crowned mangabey. Following the primate throughout the Los Angeles Zoo's specially designed habitat, Hewett photographed Gabbie on stone-wall perches, clipped-grass patches, leafless boughs, and bamboo bridge frames. Meager information about her physical and social development is revealed as she progresses from a clinging, suckling baby to a bold, curious explorer accepting fruit treats from zookeepers. While the book ends with the animal's sixth month, a time line generalizes her life to her first birthday, completed by more information about monkeys and zoos.